
Archive for January 10th, 2011

So… update.


ZOLOFT.  Drug of Champions.  Or at least this champion.


What Zoloft has done for me…

taken the panic and anxiety out of every day life

made all the little things little and not BIG any more… no more sweating the small stuff

allowed me to SLEEP like a normal person

allowed me to CONTROL my pre-menstrual “kill the entire family” urges

I am SO MUCH NICER to be around…

allowed me to be calm, collect and cool in the fact of adversity


What zoloft has ALSO done for me…

remember that “no panic” thing?  and “don’t sweat the small stuff” thing?


Yah… that translates to my weight.  Donut?  Sure!  i’ll have that!  There’s always tomorrow right!


gawd.  Suck.  So… I’ve gained some weight back and am recommitting to losing what I’ve gained back as well as the rest of it.  I don’t feel a sense of urgency any more but I’ve got to fake it until I make it!  It’s hard losing weight when you feel like you don’t care if you do!!!


Happy?  or Thin?  Ug!  So my goal to to fake it until I am to a healthy weight (because I KNOW how to lose weight happily and safely) and then I can be healthy and happy 😉  lol!!!


Now have I been pigging out?  No.  I have not reverted to my old lifestyle by any means.  But too many dinners out and too much snacking in the evenings has left me with clothes too tight… and I am REFUSING to buy MORE clothes in larger sizes.  So it’s lose weight again or feel stuffed into my clothes.  I choose keep losing.


Ps.  This is not a new years resolution.  lol!

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